Sunday, June 28, 2015

Bounced Back

So I wanted to write since I'm not going to treatment next week. My "episodes" of Lyme symptoms are definitely present, but not as frequent and not as severe. I've been keeping a chart and I seem to be having equal amount of bad days and "good days". It used to be 100% bad days, then went to 75% bad days and now it seems to be 50/50. That's 5 months of weekly treatments in. I painted my nails and put makeup on recently and I am actually thinking about getting my hair done. When you are critically and chronically ill, these types of somewhat superficial things are the furthest thing from your mind. This morning was very bad but now I'm doing much better and yesterday was a pretty consistently good day. Generally I'm 30% better with moments of 50 and 60. I know I'll never be 100% and I'm fine with that. I can function and maintain a semi-normal life at a consistent 60-70% which I'm not there yet. The fact that I know now how badly my hiatal hernia is affecting me has been helping me to deal with symptoms better mentally and physically. Lyme symptoms are still near impossible to understand but at least I know when I'm herxing and when I'm not. I hope backing off on treatments is ok. I'm not 100% on the paleo diet anymore but I am definitely sugar gluten yeast soy dairy wheat free and try to always eat things that say 100% or Organic or GMO free. I eat lots of natural sugars lately from fruit and have tons of coconut milk and coconut oil all the time. I'm back and forth about eggs 'cause they have pros and cons for me. I ONLY eat free range organic eggs, though. I have not been taking any supplements but I really should. I've been so lax on them which is bad. I need too better at that. I want to start taking organic plant protein powder. I just need to find a good one.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


After treatment yesterday I am still feeling VERY bad. It's like a Herx that won't stop. I'm shaking and the left side of my face acts like it is going into Bells Palsy. My hands aren't working right. My legs are wobbly. I'm confused and am having bad sensory overload. My whole body is definitely in healing crisis. I'm not sure what to do. I didn't do an IV today cuz I was too worried about how I'm responding. I just did a foot detox and magnet bed. I cannot stop burping either. 

Monday, June 22, 2015


I had a good couple weeks of no treatments. I feel 40% better. Not consistently, though. I did not handle my IV well today. The doc adjusted my stomach, neck, and si joints and that went well. After treatments I felt like my blood veins were vibrating. Kind of an alarming feeling. My heart was acting up, too. It reminded me of my first treatment that I did not handle well at all. Like a full body panic attack feeling but not being afraid of anything. I was doing so well the last two weeks. I ran errands with my 3yr old all by myself and my body and brain were acting like normal. I was in pain and got tired a few times but nothing that was preventing me from being on the go. I almost forgot how bad I was until now.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015


I had an IV on Monday and my evaluation on Tuesday. My blood looks cleaner for sure. Everything points to 30% improvement but that is all. I have a ways to go. I told the doc about my stomach issues and he gave me a chiropractic adjustment for a hiatal hernia, which pretty much confirmed I had one. I KNEW I had one. I'm so glad I am once again validated. I asked the doc if I can try grains and he said to try oats and rice to see how I do, so I am trying this beauty: No corn, soy, dairy, yeast, gluten, GMOs, etc, etc.

The doc also said to take another week break. Either I'm going to feel worse or I'm going to feel better. We'll see if I've been overloaded. Fingers crossed. I've got all new supplements, too.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

31 Treatments

I think I've had 31 now. I missed a week 'cause I had the flu and it turned out to be a really good week! I felt like my immune system was doing well and a break from treatments apparentally was good for me. I would think it would be the other way around. I made up for it by doing 4 days of treatments in a row and now I am back to symptoms again. A lot of them are the vertigo and tinnitus and weak, wobbly limbs and dizziness. It's a shame to go back to this when I was feeling very ok. I need to detox or something. Next week I have another evaluation. I'm going to beg to be able to eat oats and brown rice.