Sunday, July 26, 2015

Paleo Wrap

Coconut Wrap
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Sea Salt


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Health Food Store Gems


Well, I'm over my sickness and have had a few more IVs. Still having these episodes. I told the NP at the clinic about them and she says she's at a loss. These are the symptoms of the episodes:

Tongue crawls and burns and feels thick
Chest pressure
Lips numb burn purple
Faint floating falling feeling
Burning skin
Manual breathing
Weak legs
Actual difficulty swallowing
Sense of doom

I think my entire body needs an overhaul of testing again because a lot of the Lyme should have been killed. I just need to keep fighting and searching.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

So Sick

I have a very raw feeling throat and every bone in my body feels bent. It's like the flu type EXTREME crushing body aches. My stomach keeps flipping out and my lungs are burning. My breathing is back and forth between almost normal to not normal at all. I've thought about going to doctors and emergency rooms but because I have a CONTROVERSIAL disease they will either be completely uneducated or think I have "anxiety" or need to "drink more water" or throw bottles of chemicals at me. So I had my husband run me up to Pocatello on a whim so I can hopefully get some help. I've been very patient in my suffering. Oh it's just Lyme. Oh it will pass. Oh you'll be fine. No. This is bad and different and I have to be selfish and demand some emergency medical attention. My quality of life is interrupted 10-20 times a day. Every hour. Sometimes several times in an hour I have these faint episodes but I never faint. I can't even describe them. They are not normal. Something is wrong. I'm pretty sure I have a fever right now, too. I think if I were anybody else with any other beliefs, I would be knee deep in prescription drugs for the rest of my life but I do NOT want to do that. I just don't think it's the answer to bandaid my ailments. I can handle being in pain and at moments borderline physically handicapped but I need my lungs to work and my nervous system to work and my stomach to work. It's such a shame how modern medicine has failed us so terribly. I know God won't fail me.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

34-Mad Cow Disease

I had a great Sunday. I was doing very well. Had moments of 60-70% health. Come Monday, I went to the clinic and had my IV, magnet bed, foot detox, and neck/si/stomach adjustment. I felt AWESOME as we left the clinic to drive home minus some shaking. Then about an hour into the drive my blood sugar dropped and we had to drive through torrential rain. I have never herxed while having low blood sugar and I literally thought I was never going to see my family again. After eating I felt a little better but then had a full blown mental and physical breakdown that night. My lungs were burning so bad I could not breath. My stomach was lurching (just learned about that today), I was uncontrollably shaking (like convulsing) AND uncontrollably sobbing. I literally thought I was dying. I have not experienced this since I first started treatment and before I learned I had Lyme disease. I am convinced my Vagus Nerve is on the fritz. I also think my POTS may have returned and I am again having BPV symptoms. This has just been so agonizing and alarming. Especially since I have made progress. To have it all come crashing down has been so devastating. I have one more treatment this month and then I think I am going to amp everything up in August when I have money again. I literally feel like I have mad cow disease. The ups and downs are so severe. It does not seem possible that these experiences are survivable. It would probably be better if they weren't. I know I have to fight this wretched torture disease so I will keep fighting, but lots of prayers are needed for it.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Good Read, Sounds Like Me