Above is the link to the Ionic Foot Detox Spa I bought off Amazon. I really think it helped me when I was doing treatments in Idaho so I got one to keep at home. I finally used it for the first time with the help of my husband. It has an infrared belt for pain, which I really needed tonight. I strongly believe I need to detox right now, and I feel a noticeable difference after I use these.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Ionic Foot Detox Spa
Saturday, October 24, 2015
I have so many capsules I have to take and they are so huge. I CANNOT swallow them. I've been so upset and have felt so hopeless. I tried dumping capsules into smoothies but it was so rancid tasting. It tasted like I was taking poison chemical dirt or something. So I went to Good Earth Natural Foods because I thought I previously saw empty capsules for sale there, and thank goodness I was right!!! I bought the tiniest size they have and I can swallow them! I squeeze the big capsules so they're easy to pour into the tiny ones and down they go. They are 1/4 of the size I was supposed to swallow. I am just so grateful! The impossible has been made possible! It will be very tedious and time consuming to do all this but so very worth it!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
So I am on 5 days of antibiotics for my klebsiella. I have been terrified of antibiotics since I received my Lyme diagnosis. I don't believe in long term antibiotics and I know how they affect Lyme disease. However, short term for infections like this I agree with. I also trust my new doctor. I was literally so afraid to start my first dose so I had my mom come spend the day with me. So far so good except I'm having Parkinson's symptoms which come with herxing. It could be from Lypo C and/or the Cipro. I have to cut up the pill and take it in 6 pieces and it tastes like I'm putting Comet cleaning powder in my mouth. It's so sick and I'm so relieved I only have to do it for 4 days. So far so good on probiotics too. My monster headache is a little lessened but still very present. I have sensory overload right now and am shaking. I'm still sick with a cold. My temperature yesterday was 100.1 and my blood pressure was very low. 86/65 or something around there.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Lots of New Info
So, all my lab results came back. Here is what they say:
Klebsiella Pneumonia (intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Lack of Lactobicillus (good bacteria)
Low grade, chronic, Epstein Barr Virus
Low grade, chronic, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Lyme Co Infection)
3 MTHFR gene mutations that severely affect B12 and Folate (test yours through 23andme.com)
Heavy metal toxicity from Tungsten, Tin, Mercury, and Cesium
*Still waiting on results of Iodine, Copper, and Zinc
I still have Lyme, too much Cortisol, SI Joint Dysfunction, Babesia, etc etc etc
So my plan is as per my new doc:
B12 Shots once a week for 6 weeks (I had my first today. It made me feel calm and sleepy but a few hours later I have one of the biggest headaches I have ever had).
5 days of Cipro Antibiotics (twice a day) with:
Probiophage (2/day)
Microdefense (3 at bedtime til gone)
After I'm done with 5 days of Cipro:
Continue with Probiophage (2/day)
Continue with Microdefense (3 at bedtime)
Start Naturethroid
GI Revive (2/day)
Magnesium Glycinate
Adrenal Stress Relief (2 at wake and 2 at lunch)
Super Multi Plus (4 capsules/day) NOT ON IV DAYS
I have to do 20 IV's of Chelation Therapy with Myers Cocktail and Glutathione Pushes and I think Phosfilditycholine or however you spell it?
Do Liver Gallbladder and Kidney/Bladder support during IV's
LDI Shots will be a last resort
All for the rest of the year with some Wellness Classes too.
I get a special Hawaiian health massage next week and the week after that I get OMT? Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy? Not sure if that's what it's called.
So my life is back to pills and IVs and being sick and herxing and detoxing.
But I'm ready.
Klebsiella Pneumonia (intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
Lack of Lactobicillus (good bacteria)
Low grade, chronic, Epstein Barr Virus
Low grade, chronic, Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (Lyme Co Infection)
3 MTHFR gene mutations that severely affect B12 and Folate (test yours through 23andme.com)
Heavy metal toxicity from Tungsten, Tin, Mercury, and Cesium
*Still waiting on results of Iodine, Copper, and Zinc
I still have Lyme, too much Cortisol, SI Joint Dysfunction, Babesia, etc etc etc
So my plan is as per my new doc:
B12 Shots once a week for 6 weeks (I had my first today. It made me feel calm and sleepy but a few hours later I have one of the biggest headaches I have ever had).
5 days of Cipro Antibiotics (twice a day) with:
Probiophage (2/day)
Microdefense (3 at bedtime til gone)
After I'm done with 5 days of Cipro:
Continue with Probiophage (2/day)
Continue with Microdefense (3 at bedtime)
Start Naturethroid
GI Revive (2/day)
Magnesium Glycinate
Adrenal Stress Relief (2 at wake and 2 at lunch)
Super Multi Plus (4 capsules/day) NOT ON IV DAYS
I have to do 20 IV's of Chelation Therapy with Myers Cocktail and Glutathione Pushes and I think Phosfilditycholine or however you spell it?
Do Liver Gallbladder and Kidney/Bladder support during IV's
LDI Shots will be a last resort
All for the rest of the year with some Wellness Classes too.
I get a special Hawaiian health massage next week and the week after that I get OMT? Osteopathic Manipulation Therapy? Not sure if that's what it's called.
So my life is back to pills and IVs and being sick and herxing and detoxing.
But I'm ready.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Storm Flare & Update
I have been doing pretty well since discontinuing IV treatments. I personally think I was loaded with dead Lyme bugs and my body has actually had time to flush them out. I've got a new Osteopathic Doctor at a wellness center an hour from me and am waiting for bloodwork results to come back.
Meanwhile, as usual, horrendous weather is flaring up every Lyme symptom I have. It's definitely a tea and broth day.
I've also got some sort of sickness that is having a hard time manifesting itself due to my wonky immune system. I did get a silent migraine that made me lose all sense of taste and smell.
I've just been living off of Vitamin D, Iron, Lypo C, Magnesium, Silver, and sometimes Liquid Minerals. Sometimes I add electrolyte packets, too. A lot of this is from watching Claudia Orgill's YouTube Channel Healthy Preparedness.
I'm iffy on liquid minerals, though, since I'm waiting on heavy metal results. I did a stool test, too. I'm happy my new doc had me do tests I've never done.
I've also found Vega One, which seems to have a lot of good in it. So far, so good. I love having nutritional shakes.
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