Friday, April 24, 2015

Financial Frustration

This is a venting post so forgive me for lacking my usual positivity. I hope I don't offend anyone, either. So, as my finances deplete from Lyme treatments, I try to think of what I can possibly do to help pay for them. I've had incredible friends and neighbors and family members, as well as my church, help me IMMENSLY, and I HATE that so much help only goes so far. I've had 3 GoFundMe pages and have cut down on SO many things in life and again, it's still not enough. I want to have a job so bad. I love working. My last job was my DREAM job and I was completely DEVASTATED to leave it. I keep thinking of ways I could earn money, but I am so beyond worthless. I can't drive, and can't move freely, my brain can't learn new things, I could have a Lyme flare at any moment, I'm not well enough to take care of kids, etc. I tried to get money from my health insurance company but they deemed my Lyme Disease test MEDICALLY UNNECESSARY!!!! I hate so badly that I have to suffer more than I already do because society and the medical world do not understand Lyme! My husband has been working as much overtime as he can and its still not enough. We have critical illness insurance but they need certain test results which the medical world does not have the capability of providing! I'm now contemplating meeting with a disability lawyer but again, what are the odds that he or the government will understand Lyme enough to help me collect it. And why is it that people can drink and smoke and eat their way to cancer, heart disease, and diabetes and collect all the disability they want on top of insurance paying for their treatments!!! I am eating the cleanest diet in the world, I have never smoke or drank in my entire life, and the LAST thing I want to do is sit on my couch bumming off the government! Everything about Lyme is so screwed up. I have 115 symptoms, and no way of getting all the help I need as often as I need it because of the CDC and everyone else that makes those of us with Lyme suffer in the dark. It is so unethical and beyond frustrating. Ok, vent over.

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